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Lab Equipment Glassware

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Lab Equipment Glassware

Alcon Scientific Industries are one of the renowned Lab Equipment Glassware manufacturers in Nepal. Laboratory glassware is used in different places, including school labs, scientific experiments, medical labs, chemical industries, and testing labs as well. We have been in the industry of manufacturing lab glassware equipment for several years and have always fulfilled the requirements of our clients. Our professionals understand that these glassware are utilized for storing chemicals and mixing a variety of liquids or salts for experiments. That is why, when manufacturing laboratory glassware, they ensure that pure and high-quality raw material is utilized for manufacturing laboratory glassware. It ensures that during storage or while mixing chemicals in these glassware, they can retain their original property instead of reacting with the glass metal. 

At Alcon Exports, we also take care of the shape and size of these lab equipment glassware while designing them. We understand that different shapes of laboratory glassware are utilized in different types of experiments. Be it the beaker, the test tube, or the flask, they all are designed with high precision. The size of these products also varies depending on their use. Our experts conduct deep research before fabricating this equipment. The glass laboratory equipment designed by us is utilized in several applications, including filtration, measurement of liquids or chemicals, reflux process, distillation, storage of chemicals for preserving them, swirling chemicals during experiments, and lots more.

Alcon Exports is one of the ISO-approved organizations dealing in a variety of lab equipment glassware for years. We are experts in fabricating and supplying lab equipment glassware and have never failed to meet our client’s expectations. All our products are designed with high accuracy, be it their shape, size, or thickness. Our glass-made laboratory products offer resistance to thermal shock and are sturdy, showing extreme mechanical strength. They are chemically durable and can be utilized for all types of chemical experiments. They are suitable to utilize at different temperatures and do not deform during experiments. Some of the lab equipment glassware manufactured and supplied by Alcon Exports are test tubes, conical flasks, condensers & columns, volumetric glassware, distillation stills, porcelain, distillation apparatus, glass bottles, quartz ware, filtration glassware, interchangeable glassware, flask flat bottom, beakers of multiple sizes, weighing bottles, filtration flask, aspirator bottle, funnels, and many more.

With all such qualities available in our laboratory glassware, we have become one of the renowned lab equipment glassware manufacturers in nepal. Being the bulk lab equipment glassware supplier, we have stock of all the products available at our manufacturing plant. All our laboratory products are available at cost-friendly prices.